Sunday, September 4, 2016

1 Elul

As we count down the days until Rosh HaShana it's customary to reflect on the past year -your actions, decisions, and overall impact.
While a lot of others are out celebrating the extended weekend, I have been in class this weekend. Today there was a question that made me reflect on my summer internship and the concept of "doing the right thing". Why do the right thing? Does it matter if no one sees or notices? If you don't and won't get caught and it puts you ahead in life, is that okay? What about our own hypocrisy in social values?
Over the past year, I have made some efforts to try and live a more ethically/Jewishly sound life. (Not that I've been a bad person, just wanting to be a more conscious person.) But have I really kept my focus on the impact I had? No, sadly I didn't. I haven't maintained the course throughout the year. I took the opportunity and earnestly embarked but when it was inconvenient or I forgot I strayed from my original intention. I did, however, try to be a good person in my relationships with others and balance that with caring for myself more. I have spent time connecting and investing in relationships that add value to my life with people who care and accept me fully. I've also learned that I need to be willing to allow others the opportunity to get to know me and not always be so jaded about things in life. In a similar vein, I've learned that sometimes people really just won't understand despite your willingness to be vulnerable and educated. Sometimes being vulnerable just hurts and you don't have to do it.
All that said, love is still an important value in life that I will hold near and dear to my heart (literally, ask me about my tattoo). I will continue to show love to those around me and try to accept love in return. To quote "Moulin Rouge" - "The greatest thing you'll learn is to love and be loved in return."

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