Monday, September 5, 2016

Elul 2

When is the last time that you've touched someone's life? Have you considered the impact that you have on those around you?

In a society where actions speak louder than words, why are we so caught up on the words that we say? In Judaism, one lesson that has resonated most with me is the concept of human dignity and respect. Today on my way home from dinner I passed someone that was homeless, normally I don't have anything to give someone I encounter but tonight I did. I gave the man, who said he was a veteran, the food I was going to take home. It really made me feel good, for a moment.

It was a small act for me to do that but it will definitely make an impact on his night. It also made me remember all the times I've gone past men and women like him and done nothing. I reflected on how homelessness is such a problem for our communities here. I thought about how if we would all just do one simple act, we could begin the journey to helping others in our community, working towards ending homelessness. The one small act that we need to begin with is to just see everyone and value their existence. Valuing the existence of another goes beyond acknowledging them, it requires giving them space to exist fully.

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